Monday, June 29, 2009

"A True Disgrace to TV and a People"

There was a time when African-Americans desired to have their own. Their own neighborhoods, their own schools, and even their own television networks. So what happened? Well, the world gave them what they wanted. Then what? Let's just say that some things should just have restrictions.

This year's B.E.T. Awards were intended to be dedicated to the King of Pop Michael Jackson, in rememberance of the legacy and impact that he made on this world. B.E.T.'s CEO Debra Lee announced at the awards ceremony that the network had been working around the clock for three days to see to it that the entire show be dedicated to the King. Well, in my opinion if that was a revamp of the entire show, the station once again became the best of the worst.

Sure, there were a few performances dedicated to Michael, and when the stars accepted their awards they said their condolences to the family. But was that enough? NO!!!! Not by a landslide. MTV, VH1 and CBS all featured hours upon hours of segments and television specials dedicated to the King of Pop all in a matter of hours after his death had been confirmed. How is it that a predominantly white station could show so much more effort in honoring this icon whilea predominantly African-American station does less than the very least for this international incon? It's a mystery that even I cannot solve...and I know I am a great problem solver.

B.E.T. and its networks have notoriously disappointed its viewers with outlandish sitcoms, degrading and ignorant reality shows, and have displayed African-Americans as uneducated and unsuccessful people. It is true that there are other stations that feature other races as being ignorant as well. But the African-American race should be able to count on its own people to portray them in such a way that is completely opposite of the majority of society. The sad fact of the matter is that even we as a people can't even do that. I find it very shameful that this network would rather show hours of black women being degraded rather than being celebrated for their strength. I find it horrifying that this network would rather give two "hood rich" women a reality show about living a ghetto fabulous lifestyle than featuring a segment that teaches smart financial tactics. I find it just down right rediculous that this station would rather portray our men as uneducated street walkers and thugs rather than glorifying the men that live successful lives and pursue degrees at universities and colleges.

The fact of the matter is that B.E.T. needs an entire makeover as far as I'm concerned. It makes no sense the things that they put on this station. It seems that this stations becomes more and more of a disgrace to the African-American race each and every day. I don't think that this station will ever get better. It doesn't accurately portray the black race and it definitely doesn't know how to put together a good dedication to an icon. B.E.T. should simply stand for Bafoonery Entertainment.

"Icons Live On"

Thursday, June 25th, 2009 will be a day that will go down in history as the day the earth stood still. The Bible says that Heaven rejoices even when one person comes to the Lord and is saved. I believe that Heaven and Earth also rejoices together when the legacy of an icon is celebrated. This time that icon is the King of Pop Michael Joseph Jackson.

The impact that Michael Jackson had on this world is indescribable and is also a rare circumstance. Who would have thought that a young child from Gary, Indiana would lead the world into believing that when you look at "The Man in the Mirror" one could "Heal the World"? I don't even think Michael Jackson himself knew the impact that he would have on this world. His mother Katherine Jackson always said that she knew her son Michael was special. Now, we can all see why she said such.

Too often we as a people are so stuck on ourselves that we forget to love one another. Michael was not afraid to reach out to each and every country that he could and tell everyone that "We Are The World" and that we should help one another. In fact, he was one of the first individuals to reach out to continents such as Africa and inform the world of their struggles to live let alone find happiness and hope in living. It was through his acts of humanitarianism that the world came in contact with developing countries filled with hungry children and wars that break up families. As Americans, we grow to be so selfish and find pleasure in hurting others rather than simply giving someone a hug and let them know that they are loved. Michael wasn't afraid to do that. His acts were a testimony that said if you want to "Start Something" then simply let someone hear you "Say You'll Be There" for them.

I can't describe in one blog how much Michael Jackson impacted this world. But if there is one thing that I know he was and always will be, it's an inspiration to all. He was a voice to the voiceless; a healer to the sick; a humanitarian to those in need. He was more to others than he was to himself and what I like most about that is that he was humble about it. He didn't have to brag about his cars, money, women as most musicians tend to do today. He sang of love and helped take down walls that separated races and genders and told everyone that it doesn't matter if you're "Black or White". He sang of a day when all would come together. And you know what? I know he is in a better place smiling and realizing that the day he passed was the day that the world began to be healed.

Thank you Michael...We love you and your legacy will forever live on.