Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"My Man"

I was walking around outside one day, and I overheard a group of young girls talking amongst each other as to what kind of wedding they wanted to have.  It was actually really cute and funny at the same time.  These girls couldn't have been any older than seven or eight years old.  "My man is gonna be big and strong," one stated.  "My man is gonna wear a blue tie and be a doctor," another one voiced.  Little did they know that when I was there age I used to say the same thing with my girls.  It didn't occur to me until years later that I had been looking at my ideal man the entire time.

I wanted my man to be intelligent.  I wanted him to be strong and good looking.  I wanted him to always tell me that I was pretty.  I wanted him to make me smile and understand me.  But most of all, I wanted him to love me simply for me.  I would imagine that all girls would want a man like  the one I desired.  Why wouldn't they want someone like that?  I even know some older women who have yet to find a man like the one I had and still do have.  Yeah, I used to speak of him all the time whenever me and my girls would sit around and talk about our future husbands.  I sill laugh to this day about it.

So where did this man go?  Some may read this and wonder if he's still in my life.  Is he alive?  Do I plan to be his forever?  Does he still love and respect me?  Does he buy me nice things?  Does he still treat me like a princess or queen?  I even look at these questions and would probably wonder the same things if some girl had described this man to me.  I would even ask her if she even found this fantasy man at all.  

The truth of the matter is, I have always answered "yes" to those questions.  I go on to tell those people that ask me such questions that he even cooks for me.  That really surprises them all.  He was the first man that ever held me.  The first man I ran to when I needed help.  The first man I ever cried in front of.  The first man that ever told me that he loved me.  The first man that ever had my back.  The first man that called me his own and to this day I'm still his own.  

So how could I have  found such a man at such a young age and remained his for this long?  Well, it's easy.  While some girls look to television stars, famous athletes, movie stars, singers, rappers and models for their ideal men, I found mine the day I was born.  I had found my father.

I realize that there are so many girls out there that don't have their fathers around and in the end look for any kind of man to make them feel like a "woman."  Well, each day I thank God that I have a real man in my life to show me  what a real man truly is.  Daily my father treats me and my mother in a way where we are royalty.  He takes charge and takes care of his family.  He works for us, cooks for us, and most of all follows Christ in his daily walk.  This is the kind of man that my father will soon walk me down the aisle to, and it's not because I looked at idle men to find what a "real" man was.  I simply looked at the first man that has ever loved me and that is how I found the type of man that I want my dad to walk me down the aisle to on my wedding day.

I love you dad.  You will always be My Man.