Thursday, May 1, 2008

Weapon of Choice

What do you say to someone who has lost all or someone who is at the end of their rope? Do you say something to them, or do you just let them find their way to a higher level? How does one find the strength to hold on to the end of that rope when day by day their grip becomes more and more loose?
I used to think that if I fight hard enough for something, I'll eventually get the chance to have it. But what if the fight is just so exhausting that you feel that you have no other choice but to give up? You try and block every blow that comes your way, but after about 100+ blows, you become weaker and weaker. Now, it comes to a point where I know that some fights just aren't worth fighting.
With my fights in life, I've found that most of my weapons have been my heart and my tears. How could those be my weapons of choice? Rather than rage, hatred, shallowness, stubborness, or even hurtful words full of violence, I chose to use my heavy heart and acid-filled tears. With every blow, my heart becomes a bit heavier. With every jab my tears burn my skin. With every kick my heart carries another burden. With every cut my tears blaze my skin. If the fight is such a burdent on me, why do I bother ro fight it? If that's the case, why does anyone bother to fight a battle? The answer is simple: for the sake of happiness.
At the end of a fight, happiness can be found. Whether it's the joy of winning, the smile on a face, the sadness of the opponent, or merely the courage of going out to fight-- that happiness will be found. However, it's the pursuit of that happiness that develops character. And that character is where the true champion of the fight lies. The initial stage of the fight is within ourselves-- should I fight or should I quit? Next comes our weapons of choice-- how shall my opponent be defeated? What is my opponent's weakness? The third stage is to pursue one's happiness-- how much do I love my right to happiness? The final stage is to find the champion within, known as our character. The harder one fights, the more developed the character.
So why do I fight? Why is my heart so heavy? Why do my tears sting so much? Because my character, my heart, and my inner champion are worth the fight-- a fight that only a true champion with the heart and character of a fighter can fight.