Monday, November 3, 2008

Can't You Just Stand On Your Own???

So I have come to the conclusion that there are just far too many girls that I know that feel that they need a man in order to live their lives. A man just has to be there in order for them to go about their daily lives and such a cycle wouldn't be complete without them throwing this up in everyone's face. I swear I just laugh at this everytime I see it and hear about it for myself.

I mean, what ever happened to the strong black women that we should all strive to be? Since when was it a man's job to assure us of ourselves? Since when did it become an obligation for a man to tell us who we are and where we need to be in life? Since when did someone make a law saying that a man is the determiner of all things woman? Last time I checked this was...ummm....NEVER!!!!! I just don't understand how all this is coming about and where this is coming from.

When Destiny's Child came out with that song "Independent Women" I thought that that would be every woman's anthem and at that point it was. But I guess it was only a matter of time before that trend faded like a pair of 70's bell bottoms. But that is just crazy to me. It seems that now more than ever so many of our women are allowing men to validate them, especially females of my generation. I mean, I know one girl who was with a guy off and on for a minute. But the problem was that this guy put his hands on her and she allowed it. I swear I couldn't be in that situation cuz that fool would definitely be dead as a door nail. Then he comes back with the whole "baby I've changed" story. PLEASE!!!! Save me the drama. This girl is obviously dumb and needs her head examined. Or better yet, maybe she needs to get a clue and realize that you need to stand on your own two feet before you get into a relationship. Not only does this girl sleep with everything on two legs after only knowing it for less than 24 hours but she then expects those same guys to be in a relationship with her and respect her after the fact. NICE TRY HO!!!!

Then what's up with this whole trend of every girl wanting to get pregnant so fast? Girl, you dropped outta school for some old guy who gets you pregnant after only knowing you for so long? What kinda sh** is that??? If a man loves you, shouldn't he be trying to do what's best for you? Shouldn't he be supporting you in achieving a good education so that you wouldn't just be another silly dumb biotch on the street? Last time I checked, that was the case. But hey such is life.

I want to also give a shout out to my reunited sister Lucky Laura!!!! I love you sis and I"m so glad that we finally united again and I'm looking forward to you moving up here in East Lansing with me and hopefully we can start that video blog reality show together. Us models have to look out for one another lol. Plus we are both sweethearts and I'm sure both our lives combined will make us the new "Stallionaires" lol. MUAH!!!

Well, that's about all that I wanted to say today. Tune in on the next blog entry in the wonderful life of Ashleigh J.