Monday, November 10, 2008

"Inner Death For An Outer Resurrection"

There are times in life where we must all make a change. We must step outside of ourselves and see the world for what it is, see things for what they really are, and see that we have to sometimes change in order to live a better life.

As I look at the lives of some of our people in the world, I realize that some of them just don't want to change. Some of them are arrogant, deceitful, cold-hearted, liars, murderers, and just plain bad people. But I'm a firm believer that even in the most terrible of people, there is still some good in them that the right person just has to bring out in the right situation.

Some people feel that because of their bad situations, reputations, and past they are simply destined to be the way that they are and be complacent with the way things in this world are. The tend to call that "living in reality." They tend to say "well, this is just how I am." Well, I think they need to wake up themselves and realize that reality changes every single day and that they need to kill that mentality so that they can live for a better tomorrow.

I'm sure that when President Obama decided to run for President, he knew what reality was telling him. He knew that the reality was that this country did not want to see a black man lead it. He knew that reality was telling him that this was a white man's world and he was just another black man living in it. He knew that reality was telling him that every step along the way he was going to fall because this country would never let him get as far as he did. But look at what happened. He killed reality. He killed reality's doubts. He killed reality's sayings. He killed reality in order for this country to see an outer resurrection.

Now I know that that situation may seem to be more of an extreme case for some people. But the truth of the matter is that sometimes in order for us to make it through life, we have to kill ourselves from the inside in order to see the essence of our lives and be able to adapt to it. Sometimes we can be so stubborn to the point where we feel nothing but ourselves and how selfish is that? Sometimes we don't want anyone to tell us that we need to make changes about ourselves in order to make it further in life. But the truth of the matter is that we have to listen to those people that really care about us and can really teach us something. It doesn't matter who the messenger is. It can be a child, it can be an adult, it can be a book, it can be a word. The point is that we as people have to humble enough to realize that reality can change and reality doesn't have to set us in our ways.

There is a time for every season and we have to learn how to live in that season, but know that someday that season has to end and changes have to made. In order for a new life to begin, a death must occur.